Office 2007 Update
Microsoft Access
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  Microsoft Outlook
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  PC & Windows Intro
© copyright Idealyse 2007


Microsoft Outlook

We offer 2 levels of Microsoft Outlook: Introduction and Intermediate, they are both combined into one half a day, which covers the fundamentals of Microsoft Outlook. To complete a full days' training, we suggest running this course together with PC & Windows Introduction which is also half a day.

Outlook Introduction & Intermediate

DURATION: Half a Day course

COURSE OBJECTIVES: To provide new users with an overview of Microsoft Outlook which will enable them to send and receive messages, schedule appointments and create tasks and notes.

WHO SHOULD ATTEND: People who will be using Microsoft Outlook as their primary on-line e-mail and organising system.

EXPERIENCE NEEDED: No prior experience of Outlook is expected. Although delegates with limited experience on other organiser/e-mail applications will find it helpful. A working knowledge of the windows 95/98 operating system and use of the mouse and keyboard is essential.

Click here to view the outline for Outlook Introduction and Intermediate